In Memory of Stanley Coppock, Earl Kokendoffer, Kara Whitney and Shane Mundell
Guidelines and Application Form
Four (4) $1,000.00 scholarships may be granted annually. Within the four scholarships, three (3) may be awarded to children or grandchildren of Operator Members, Pilot Members and Associate Members and one (1) may be awarded to a child or grandchild of an Industry Member.
General Guidelines:
Children and Grandchildren of Members in good standing of the Oklahoma Agricultural Aviation Association
A high school transcript showing proof of successful fulfillment of academic requirements for graduation must accompany the application
Applicants must attend a Junior College or four year degree granting institution
Applicants must meet entrance requirements of the institution of choice
Applicants must be entering first year of college (freshman)
Academic major at the institution of choice will not be criteria for selection
Must maintain a minimum 2.5 overall grade point average based on a four point system for the first semester enrolled
A transcript of the completed semester work and an official enrollment schedule for the next semester must be received in the association office before payment will be made
Scholarship is non-renewable after two semesters
Each scholarship is $1,00.00 with $500.00 paid at the beginning of the fall and spring semester following the completion of the requirements
Application will be reviewed and selections made by the OAAA Scholarship Committee and decisions of the committee will be final
Application (Must be typed or clearly printed and filled out completely)
Name __________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last
Home Address ___________________________________________________________
Relationship to OAAA Member ________________ Membership Category __________
(operator, pilot, associate, industry)
Name of Members Company ________________________________________________
Academic Information
Name of High School now attending __________________________________________
Date of High School graduation _____________________________________________
Approximate scholastic average: GPA of ___________ based on ____________system
Approximate rank in graduating class: Rank _____________ in class of _____________
Educational Plans
Why are you interested in pursuing advanced education?
Which college or university do you plan to attend and why?
What is your planned major and why have you chosen this field of study?
Leadership, Honors and Activities
Leadership Elected positions (e.g. student council, class officer, clubs, organizations, etc.)
Organization Position Held Responsibilities Grade (9,10,11,12)
Honors Academic, Leadership, All-State, Contest, etc.
Title and Award Description Grade (9,10,11,12)
Activities Special interest groups, school, organizations, fine arts, church,
hobbies, recreation/athletics, community service and special
Name Describe Responsibilities/Involvement Grade (9,10,11,12)
Personal Response
What goals have you set for yourself and how do you plan to obtain them? (If possible state in terms of your intended major).
Statement of recommendation of OAAA Member sponsor. (OAAA Member parent, grandparent or legal guardian)
Signature of Sponsoring OAAA Member
I have personally prepared this application for an Oklahoma Agricultural Aviation Association’s Memorial Scholarship and certify that to the best of my knowledge all information is true and correct.
Deadline for accepting applications: On or before May 1.
All applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by August 1.
Return to: Oklahoma Agricultural Aviation Association
Sandy Wells, Executive Director
2500 E. 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013
Should you have questions or comments, please call Sandy Wells at 405-341-3548 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting405-341-3548end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Received in OAAA office on: _____________________________________